5. Database Scrubbing Module

The database scrubbing utility is used to to delete data from METviewer databases that meets some user-specified selection criteria. The usage statement:

---- Database Scrubbing ----

Usage: mv_prune.sh prune_db_spec_file

          where prune_db_spec_file specifies the XML pruning specification document

---- Database Scrubbing Done ----

The prune_db_spec_file passed to the pruning module contains information about the criteria for deleting data. It is an XML file with the top-level tag <prune_spec> which contains the elements described below, divided into functional sections. The data to be deleted may be specified in one of three ways: as a list of file names, as a list of directories, or as a set of values for various fields in the data.

<connection>: Please reference the Common XML Structures documentation.

<info_only>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates if the data to be deleted should only be listed (TRUE) or the actual deletion performed (FALSE).

<fields>: A list of fields used for pruning.
<value_range>: An inclusive range for continuous variables, such as dates.
<start>: Beginning of the range.
<end>: End of the range.


<value_list>: A list of values, such as models.
<value>: A single value.


<files>: A set of files to be removed.
<file>: File name.


<folders>: A set of directories to be removed.
<folder_tmpl>: A template string describing the file structure of the MET files, which is populated with values specified in the <load_val> tag structure.
<date_list>: Please reference the Common XML Structures documentation.

<load_val>: A tree structure containing values used to populate the <folder_tmpl> template.
<field>: A template value, its name is specified by the attribute name, and its values are specified by its children <val> tags.
<val>: A single template value which will slot into the template in the value specified by the parent field’s name.
<date_list>: Specifies a previously declared <date_list> element, using the name attribute, which represents a list of dates in a particular format.

5.1. Examples

Example 1: Prune by describing the data (<fields>)

The following configuration will remove data from database ‘mv_database’ that has model names NAM and GFS, forecast variable APCP_03 and forecast valid dates between 2013-07-05 06:00 and 2013-07-05 18:00:00



    <field name="fcst_valid_beg">
        <start>2013-07-05 06:00:00</start>
        <end>2013-07-05 18:00:00</end>

    <field name="model">

    <field name="fcst_var">

Example 2: Prune by a list of files (<files>) and by a list of directories (<folders>)

This configuration will remove data from database ‘mv_database’ that was loaded from the following files:

/d3/metprd/grid_stat/grid_stat_APCP_03_030000L_20130705_030000V.stat /d3/metprd/mode/mode_APCP_06_180000L_20130705_180000V_060000A_obj.txt

And from the following directories:

/d1/data/arw/FULL/2010051914 /d1/data/arw/SWC/2010051914 /d1/data/nmm/FULL/2010051914 /d1/data/nmm/SWC/2010051914 /d1/data/arw/FULL/2010051915 /d1/data/arw/SWC/2010051915 /d1/data/nmm/FULL/2010051915 /d1/data/nmm/SWC/2010051915




    <date_list name="folder_dates">


      <field name="model">

      <field name="valid_time">
        <date_list name="folder_dates"/>

      <field name="vx_mask">