5. Database Loading Module
The database loading module is used to insert, update, and delete MET output data in the database. The tool is invoked using the mv_load.sh script. The usage statement:
---- MVLoad ----
Usage: mv_load
where "load_spec_file" specifies the XML load specification document
"-index" indicates that no data should be loaded, and only the
indexing commands applied
---- MVLoad Done ----
The load_spec_file passes information about the MET output files to load into the database to the loading module. It is an XML file thats top-level tag is <load_spec> which contains the following elements, divided into functional sections:
<connection>: Please reference the Common XML Structures documentation.
<date_list>: Please reference the Common XML Structures documentation.
<load_stat>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load STAT data. Default: TRUE.
<load_mode>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load MODE data. Default: TRUE.
<load_mtd>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load MODE TD data. Default: TRUE.
<load_mpr>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load matched pair data. Default: FALSE.
<load_orank>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to load observed rank data. Default: FALSE.
<force_dup_file>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether or not to force load paths/files that are already present. Default: FALSE.
<verbose>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates the desired volume of output from the load module, with TRUE resulting in more information and FALSE resulting in less information. Default: FALSE.
<insert_size>: An integer indicating the number of MET output file rows that are inserted with each INSERT statement. Default: 1.
<stat_header_db_check>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether a database query check for stat header information should be performed - WARNING: enabling this feature could significantly increase load time. Default: TRUE.
NOTE: <stat_header_table_check> has been removed; remove it from the XML load specification document.
<mode_header_db_check>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether a database query check for MODE header information should be performed - WARNING: enabling this feature could significantly increase load time. Default: TRUE.
<mtd_header_db_check>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether a database query check for MODE TD header information should be performed - WARNING: enabling this feature could significantly increase load time. Default: TRUE.
<drop_indexes>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether database indexes should be dropped prior to loading new data. Default: FALSE.
<load_indexes>: TRUE or FALSE, this option indicates whether database indexes should be created after loading new data. Default: TRUE.
<group>: The name of the group for the user interface.
<description>: The description of the database.
<folder_tmpl>: A template string describing the file structure of the input MET files, which is populated with values specified in the <load_val> tag structure.
If <folder_tmpl> is used, at least one of <load_val> entry should be presented. For example, if the path is:
change it to
<field name="type">
5.1. Example
Here is a simple example:
<date_list name="folder_dates">
<group>Group name</group>
<field name="model">
<field name="valid_time">
<date_list name="folder_dates"/>
<field name="vx_mask">
In this example, the load module would attempt to load any files with the suffix .stat in the following folders. This list would end at the date specified by the <date_offset> named folder_dates.
5.2. Troubleshooting
Error: |
** ERROR: Caught class com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry ‘CT07-NMM-LIN-R2-0-2005-07-15 12:00:00-2005-07-15 12:00:00-0-2005’ for key 2 |
Solution: |
This error is caused by trying to insert a stat_header record into the database when an identical one already exists. If identical stat_header information is present in more than one stat file, set the <stat_header_db_check> value to true. This setting will reduce performance, because the stat_header table is checked for duplicate stat_header each time a row is inserted. However, if a stat_header row already exists in the table with the insert information, then the existing record will be used instead of trying to insert a dupilcate. |